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Ad hoc announcements

Alpiq no longer requires CHF 650 million hybrid bond

Lausanne – Alpiq is using this year’s call option to repay in full its public hybrid bond of CHF 650 million. As Alpiq has been able to secure the…

Alpiq invests in security of supply and achieves very good half-year result

Lausanne – Alpiq further strengthened the focus on its core business in the first half of the year and expanded its business in the energy storage and…

Andreas Büttiker succeeds Conrad Ammann on the Alpiq Board of Directors

Lausanne – Andreas Büttiker was newly elected to the Board of Directors at the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Annual General Meeting held on 30 April 2024. He…

Alpiq acquires a majority stake in the Finnish hydrogen pioneer P2X Solutions

Lausanne – Alpiq emphasises its commitment to climate protection and strengthening the security of supply by acquiring a majority stake (54.9 percent)…

Romania’s Supreme Court confirms decision in favour of Alpiq

Lausanne – In the tax dispute with the Romanian tax authority, the court of second instance also decided in favour of Alpiq Energy SE, Prague.…

Alpiq performs very well in a still fragile market

Lausanne – Alpiq looks back on a very good 2023 financial year. The past year’s measures focusing on the core business, risk management and group…

Change in the Alpiq Board of Directors

Lausanne – At the extraordinary General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. held on 19 December 2023, Adèle Thorens Goumaz and François Gabella were elected…

Focus on core business pays off: Alpiq reports very good results for the first half-year 2023

Lausanne – With adjusted EBITDA of CHF 787 million, Alpiq reports a strong half-year result and very sound operating liquidity of CHF 1.7 billion. The…

Ronald Trächsel appointed to Alpiq Board of Directors

Lausanne – The Annual General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. of 26 April 2023 appointed Ronald Trächsel as a new member of the Board of Directors. He…

Alpiq with strong results and high positive cash flow

Alpiq achieves strong results of operations in the extremely turbulent environment of the past year. Adjusted EBITDA rises to CHF 473 million and is…

Out-of-court settlement with Merion Capital

Alpiq Holding Ltd. and Merion Capital have reached an out-of-court settlement in the matter of Merion’s appraisal claim relating to the squeeze-out…

Confederation sends important signal for energy industry

Lausanne – Yesterday evening, at the request of a market participant, the Federal Council activated the bailout scheme for energy companies by…

Alpiq defies turbulent energy markets and increases results of operations

Alpiq reports for first half of 2022 strong operating performance in highly volatile market environment / Adjusted EBITDA of CHF 114 million up by 31…

Alpiq generates positive results of operations above previous year

Lukas Gresnigt appointed new Head International and member of the Alpiq Executive Board

Lausanne – The Alpiq Board of Directors has appointed Lukas Gresnigt as a full member of the Alpiq Executive Board and Head of the International…